Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Let's Have Some New Cliches

I was going to title this post "All I Want for Christmas" then realised it would be the same title of a million other entries simultaneously saved to blogger which may have caused the Internet to explode.

Anyway, what I wanted was the Internet back. And I just got it. Gawd bless BT. I also want one of those USB LP converter thingies for anyone who's interested. I realise I will, however, be getting a couple of varieties of unction, a stinky candle and possibly a not-quite-right book, same as I've bought for everyone else.

Have a smashing winterval.


P.S. Is Internet still upper case or am I showing my age?


Anonymous said...

Hey, I got an iMic from the Apple store so if Santa doesn't bring you one then you can borrow mine. If you are nice.

Richard Davidson-Houston said...

Merry Christmas Lou. Everything's Uppercase At This Time Of The Year.

Louise Brown said...

Not sure whether I can be nice nor Upper Case.